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More than 1000 Plymouth pupils, families and staff given Emotional Logic support in 2021

Exciting Education

Over the past year, Exciting Education has worked with Plymouth Learning Partnership (PLP) to provide individual and group Emotional Logic support to nearly 700 children, over 400 members of school staff and parents.

Demand for emotional and mental health support in schools has grown over in recent years and the Emotional Logic team have been at the forefront of this provision in school in Plymouth and the surrounding area.

The PLP Emotional Logic team specialise in providing bespoke support for pupils in a range of areas including aggressive behaviour, school refusal, anxiety, and self-harm. We also train staff and parents to become trauma responsive and skilled in a technique that can make a life changing difference to children and families who are struggling.

PLP is a co-operative, community interest company owned by its cross-phase member schools and provides school services across Plymouth and surrounding districts. All schools that are part of this organisation can apply for free Emotional Logic support for pupils, families, and staff.

What do Plymouth schools say about Emotional Logic?

Feedback from children, parents and staff across the city has been hugely encouraging. Here are three of our favourite quotes.

The Emotional Logic training, support and instructors are phenomenal. The knowledge and skills I have gained from them have enabled me to help both children and adults make massive improvements along their emotional journeys, to understand what they are experiencing, and to find their own light at the end of the tunnel.

Nathan White, SENDCo and EYFS Lead, Mayflower Community Academy

I worry less and I think my confidence has improved. Even my mum agrees!

After last week’s session it made me feel relaxed and really calm about everything. I don’t feel stressed anymore and I think it even helped me score a goal in the football match!

10-year-old boy

Emotional Logic has had an immediate and positive impact on the children’s relationships, self-esteem, and learning. We see it as an essential tool – not just for the present, but for life.

Lyn Chamberlain, Headteacher, Wembury Primary School

Emotional Logic support continues to be offered to schools across the city for the fourth year in a row, funded by PLP. If you would like to find out how we can help support your school, children, or families, contact us via our website

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