Have you ever wondered what impact our support has on anxiety, attendance, learning behaviour and quality of relationships?
Well the results are in!
The summer was not just a time to celebrate the achievements in SATs, GCSE’s and A levels. It was also the time when schools let us know what they think of our service and give us our grades!
School staff rated us based on any changes they had seen in the young people we have been supporting over the summer term. The staff looked at the impact on anxiety levels, behaviour, attendance and quality of relationships between peers and staff.
We are delighted with the results.
98.2% reported an improvement in behaviour in school
87.7% reported an improvement in the pupil’s ability to focus on their learning
96.2% reported an increase in the pupil’s ability to manage their anxiety
Click here to read what they said about changes in attendance, confidence and quality of relationships and to find out more details about the study. It will take you to a full report of our Impact Data.